Loading Doc Info for Vendors

Loading Doc Hours

  • Friday from 1pm until 5pm.

  • Saturday from 8a-10a

  • Sunday from 11a-1p

  • If anything changes with the times set, I will notify you by email. 

Important information

If you plan on entering the loading dock it is very important that 

 you send the following information to the Chelsea Smith at csmith@sdrep.org; or 619 

3586 ext 618 no later than 4pm on Thursday, February 23rd.

1) Name of Driver

2) Approximate time of arrival

3) Vehicle Description

 4)License plate number

*Have proof of insurance with you on load in day. 

Because of the performances happening in the theatre no one will be allowed to enter the loading dock or backstage area after 5pm on Friday. There will not be able to be any exceptions to this rule. Thank you for your understanding. 


Directions to the SD Repertory Loading Dock: 

 Go down 4th Street as if you were coming to Horton Plaza. 

 Pass Broadway. The entrance will be on your right side just after the Balboa 

 Theatre marquee. 

If you have come to the parking garage entrance you have gone too far. 

You will check in with security and let them know you are loading into the Lyceum Theatre. 

You will not be permitted to enter the Dock without your valid driver’s license, valid insurance, and vehicle registration. 

 You will go to loading dock #3. 

 Reminder, Westfield does not allow parking in the loading dock. 

After you have unloaded your vehicle, you must parked in the garage. Also, the city does ticket those people who unload in front of the theatre, so please make sure to pass on this information to all of those who do need to unload items.