

San Diego Urban Warriors Inc is a group that uses theatre for exploration and cultural enrichment, they are uniquely qualified and dedicated to creatively developing urban youth, families, and community, through theatre, collective work and responsibility, cultural rejuvenation, and preserving present artist, while supporting emerging and underrepresented artist to perform and create in an atmosphere of Black creativity and empowerment.

Our organization is providing (9) months of cultural enrichment for the (9) block Black Art and Culture district, January through September. Providing Saturday School (Shule Ya Busura Na Umoja classes and Rites of Passage workshops and empowerment for the mind, body and spirit creative exploration, art, cultural expression and learning of the entire diaspora while raising the level of appreciation for African American art, drama, music, and culture for San Diego youth families and communities. Partnerships with the city, county and investors for cultural enrichment building, vocational training opportunities, and entrepreneur business building support. Monthly community development activities with creative networking, entertainment and socializing around art, culture, music, song, dance, and theatre. Free movies, concerts, and ongoing cultural exchange of the diaspora in the park encouraging healthy active fit interaction and resource building. We are re-establishing Americas Finest reputation of where the world meets to celebrate Black art, entertainment, and culture, as of the days of our “Harlem of the West” fame. The Douglas Hotel and Creo Palace served as the entertainment Mecca of the west but also our Common Ground Black epicenter, where no matter where you come from if you are looking for Black self -determination, tradition, art, culture, heritage, and hospitality.

This year we plan to host the 32nd Annual Kuumba Fest Black II Restoration and youth family and community development activities throughout the year to increase the level of appreciation for Black art and culture in San Diego in our own, very raw (9) block, community based designated “Black Art and Culture district”, celebrating three generations of dedication, struggle, and leadership to have an area designated as the first historic site in San Diego honoring Black expression, art, heritage, and cultural enrichment.

We are requesting your support to help us continue our creative tradition of using the arts and culture for empowerment towards equality, justice, and change.


We are requesting sponsorship for this (9) month January through September annual cultural enrichment , health education empowerment program and supporting events organization with (4) sponsorship opportunities:

$60,000 Top Level Sponsor

Sponsor recognition on all event marketing and press materials in select markets and at all events February through September.

Booth in the African Market Place on Saturday and Sunday

Opportunity to address the audience from main stage for each event on all (3) days, including the Night of Positive Images, Parade of the Ancestors and Keynote speaker.

The company logo and name prominently displayed on main stage as Top level sponsor. Recognition as a sponsor on press releases, virtual banners, and social media.

Full page ad on our website and digital program

Registration for (25) guests including the Night of Positive Images, Parade of the Ancestors, and Keynote speaker, special seating with swag bags at event Saturday and Sunday.

$45,000 Mid Level Sponsor

Opportunity to address the audience of each event on all (3) days, including the Night of Positive Images, Parade of the Ancestors and the main stage access for promotion.

Recognition as a sponsor on press releases, virtual banners, social media and at all SDUW events February through September.

Half page ad on our website and digital program.

Registration for (10) guests including Night of Positive Images, Parade of the Ancestors, VIP access to special seating area and Kuumba Fest swag bags.

$15,000 Base Level Sponsor

Quarter page ad on our website and digital program.

Registration for (10) guests including the Night of Positive Images Parade of the Ancestors, VIP access to special seating area and Kuumba Fest and swag bags.

Recognition as a sponsor on press releases, virtual banners, social media and all SDUW events February through September.

Logo on SDUW website and digital program.

We appreciate your consideration to support this historic opportunity of continuing three generations of creative celebrating urban youth, family and community development through cultural enrichment and raising the level of appreciation for Black art, culture, and heritage. Our Tax ID is 80-0201329. We can be reached at or 619 252-6314, San Diego Urban Warriors. Spring Valley, CA. 91977, Suite #10. The website is Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about supporting this (3) generation tradition, and vital empowerment through creativity organization.

KUUMBA is an African word that means to use our creativity to make the situation better than it was. Sincerely,

 Dajahn A. Blevins CEO and Founder San Diego Urban Warriors Inc.